11 Powerful Recovery and Sobriety Memoirs to Inspire You

best addiction recovery books

Having been in recovery for many years, and working here at Shatterproof, I often get asked to recommend books about addiction. So here’s best alcoholic memoirs a list of my all-time favorite reads about substance use disorders. The final audiobook on this list is another powerful work of fiction.

Between Breaths: A Memoir by Elizabeth Vargas

Author Michael Dash, entrepreneur and recovering drug addict, draws many parallels between his life pursuing business success and his obsession with gambling, which caused him to bottom out. He explains how he was always trying to be the life of the party, both in the casino and at home. Inside the recovery center, he forms a close bond with an older Italian-American called Leonard, who turns out to have mafia connections.

Gambling Addiction Treatment

We decided to include “Recovery and Renewal” by Baylissa Frederick in our reading list of books related to drug addiction, because the issue of dependency and withdrawal from prescription drugs is a big one. I started reading addiction memoirs in college, well before I admitted to having an alcohol use disorder. Why else would https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/psychological-dependence-on-alcohol-physiological-addiction-symptoms/ I have been mesmerized by When a Man Loves a Woman or 28 Days in my early 20s? These movies and books let me know I was not alone, that there were other people walking around who drank like I did. Pamela D. Pesta’s “Letting Go of the Thief” gives you a snapshot inside the mind of someone descending into full-blown alcoholism.

Factors Influencing Drug Use Tendencies in Individuals

best addiction recovery books

Shubaly narrates his work exclusively for Audible, and his reading feels like a good friend telling you a story and offering advice. And yet, there is something relatable and valuable within every person’s journey. For some, hearing stories about addiction might be triggering when in the thick of their own personal battles. But for many, many others, audiobooks about addiction and recovery help them feel less alone and provide a source of inspiration and empowerment. If you’re among those who find listening to stories about addiction and recovery helpful and reassuring, here are some heartfelt, well-researched, and highly recommended options. These books on addiction and recovery provide valuable resources for individuals seeking insight, support, and inspiration throughout their journey.

  • I very much related to her always feeling “less than” in normal life, and only becoming confident and alive once she poured alcohol down her throat.
  • “Expressions of Drunkenness” is a dense and fascinating look into how throughout history, humanity has used and related to one another (as well as self) via drinking alcohol.
  • The co-founder and CEO of Whole 30 and bestselling author, Melissa Urban, helped millions of people transform their relationship with food.
  • The final audiobook on this list is another powerful work of fiction.

Personal stories are one of the best ways to learn about any subject, and addiction is no exception. In Addict in the Family, Beverly Conyers educates us through heart-wrenching stories that validate all of the feelings families of addicts feel. Some of this book can be painful to read, but it’s so cathartic to learn that others feel the same intense pain that we’ve felt. When someone else’s problem becomes your problem, chances are very good that you’re codependent. And to say that codependency is prevalent among people whose loved ones are fighting addiction would be an understatement.

Terry: Daughter’s Struggle Memoir by George McGovern

Blackout reveals how sobriety helped her discover the confidence, intimacy, and creativity within her—all of which she previously thought could only be found at the bottom of a bottle. Here are six books that will educate you and help you find peace of mind. To vote on books not in the list or books you couldn’t find in the list, you can click on the tab add books to this list and then choose from your books, or simply search. To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. There is no obligation to enter treatment and you can opt out at any time.

best addiction recovery books

Prolific, brilliant memoirist Mary Karr shines a light on the dark years she spent descending into alcoholism and drug use as a young writer, wife, and mother. As her marriage dissolved and she struggled to find a reason to stay clean, Karr turned to Catholicism as a light at the end of the tunnel. The acclaimed author of Prozac Nation goes from depression to addiction with this equally devastating personal account. Wurtzel reveals how drugs fueled her post-breakout period, describing with unbearable specificity how her doctor’s prescription of Ritalin, intended to help her function, only brought her down.

best addiction recovery books

We apologize if the book that saved your life in recovery did not make this list. In fact, if you have a book in mind that people should read, send it to us! Your recommendations are welcomed in the comments section below, and also feel free to ask your questions related to this topic.

Does Relapse to Drug Use Mean Treatment has Failed?

In his follow-up to his first memoir, Tweak, which dealt with his journey into meth addiction, Sheff details his struggle to stay clean. In and out of rehab, he falls into relapse, engaging in toxic relationships and other self-destructive behaviors that threaten to undo the hard-won progress he’s made. Former “20/20” anchor Elizabeth Vargas shares her story of anxiety and alcohol use disorder in this compelling memoir. Between Breaths reveals how she lived in denial and secrecy for years before finally entering rehab and a life of sobriety. The book includes comprehensive examples, check-lists, and facts that anyone can use to identify signs of unhealthy dependence in a relationship. In the end, “Don’t Call It Love” features a twelve-week personal recovery plan to get you started.

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