Your Guide to the Stages of Alcohol Recovery

best diet for recovering alcoholic

When a person has addiction issues, they may be afraid of what is involved in the recovery process. If you’ve been sober for a while, it doesn’t mean that you won’t slip up again. They aren’t failures; they’re opportunities to learn how to cope better with life without drugs or alcohol. Dual-diagnosis treatment is typically offered in outpatient settings. However, some programs require patients to live in residential facilities where they receive 24/7 supervision. Residential treatment centers usually offer long-term care and intensive monitoring.

Sugar Cravings

best diet for recovering alcoholic

Sprouting grains drastically reduces their starch content and increases their nutrient density. I’ve also noticed that I respond well to homemade sourdough bread, which contains enzymes that pre-digest much of the starch. Your brain is seeking dopamine, the chemical that makes us feel pleasure. Many things besides alcohol release dopamine in the brain, such as listening to a favorite song, getting a massage or exercising.

How Whole Grains Assist in Detoxification

  • Whether you’re dating a recovery addict and want to help or you’re working through your recovery, our addiction research articles can help.
  • Your liver is responsible for filtering waste from your body and storing sugar that your body uses as energy.
  • Whole grains, sunflower seeds, legumes, yogurt, and poultry are known to contain cysteine, or you can look for a supplement (more on this below).
  • This is why mass-produced breads and cereals are “enriched” with a few basic vitamins, which don’t even begin to make up for the opportunity costs of eating these foods.
  • In a 2011 study, 20 participants recovering from AUD took a dietary supplement with D-phenylalanine, L-glutamine, and 5-HTP during detox.
  • Meat of any kind is an excellent source of zinc, but it’s important to avoid excessive amounts of red or processed meats as they have been linked to increased risk for heart disease and cancer.

Similar to sugar, these foods stimulate the body to release dopamine. Also, because of the way alcohol affects our brain chemistry, it’s common to experience mood swings in early sobriety. Salmon, which has already appeared on our list once, is also extremely high in omega-3s. So, you’ve quit drinking—and perhaps you’re already starting to feel the health benefits. You may feel fatigued or toxified, struggle with food cravings, or not feel like eating much at all.

The Best Diet for Recovering Alcoholics

Alcoholism is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world, affecting millions of people worldwide. Whether you love an addict or you are one, this does not have to define you. This article offers some practical tips for alcoholics in recovery and relationships and living well with a recovering alcoholic. A good diet can alcohol recovery diet help promote improved energy and enhance the body’s ability to respond to physical stress during recovery. Your diet can also impact neurotransmitter levels and function and gut bacteria. Proteins also provide a feeling of satiety, preventing overeating and helping maintain a healthy weight, which is often challenging during recovery.

Healthiest alcoholic drinks

In some cases, alcohol can trigger symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition characterized by heartburn, nausea, and belching (53). Additional research found that beetroot juice decreased markers of liver-induced liver damage in rats (47). One older animal study showed that beetroot juice exhibited a protective effect on liver cells and decreased cell damage (46).

best diet for recovering alcoholic

Navigating the Crossroads: Recovery vs Sobriety

best diet for recovering alcoholic

Whole grains are fiber-rich foods that slowly release sugar into a person’s system, which helps to prevent mood swings and keep you feeling fuller for longer. It’s common to begin craving sweets and other unhealthy foods when you give up alcohol. A bonus is that many of these foods are an excellent source of thiamine and zinc, two nutrients that recovering alcoholics often need the most. Protein is the building block your body needs to repair itself, whether that’s after a workout or after malnourishment from chronic alcohol use. It’s an essential part of a healthy diet for alcoholics who are in recovery. Alcohol can not only alter your brain chemistry, but it can negatively affect your nutrition as well.

best diet for recovering alcoholic

We’re here to help you with your recovery, call Sober Life 619-304-3014 today.

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