Капиба́ра[1], или водосви́нка[2] (лат. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), — полуводное травоядное млекопитающее из подсемейства водосвинковых (Hydrochoerinae), один из двух (наряду с малой водосвинкой) ныне существующих видов рода водосвинки. Капибара — самый крупный среди современных грызунов.


Название животного берёт начало от слова ka’apiûara, что на мёртвом языке тупи (родственном языку индейцев гуарани) буквально означает «поедатель тонкой травы» (kaá (трава) + píi (тонкий) + ú (есть) + ara (суффикс, аналогичный русскому суффиксу -тель))[3][4]. В наиболее близкой к оригиналу форме capivara оно вошло в португальский язык и широко употребимо в Бразилии. Уже в форме capibara через испанский слово вошло в английский, русский, японский и ряд других языков. В испаноговорящих странах Латинской Америки также в ходу и другие названия, происходящие из языков местных индейцев: carpincho (Аргентина, Перу и др.), chigüiro (Венесуэла, Колумбия), jochi (Боливия), ñeque (Колумбия) и др.

Научное название (как родовое, так и видовое) Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris переводится как «водяная свинья» (др.-греч. ὕδωρ — вода + χοῖρος — свинья), калька с которого послужила основой как для альтернативного русского наименования этого животного — водосвинка, — так и названий его на китайском (水豚), венгерском (Vízidisznó), исландском (Flóðsvín) и некоторых других языках, а также для вариантов, употребимых в Аргентине (chancho de agua и puerco de agua).

Внешний вид

Длина тела взрослой капибары достигает 1—1,35 м, высота в холке — 50—60 см. Самцы весят 34—63 кг, а самки — 35—65,5 кг (измерения произведены в венесуэльских льяносах)[5]. Самки, как правило, крупнее самцов.

Телосложение тяжёлое. Внешне капибара напоминает гигантскую большеголовую морскую свинку. Голова крупная, массивная с широкой, тупой мордой. Верхняя губа толстая. Уши короткие, округлые. Ноздри широко расставлены. Глаза маленькие, расположены высоко на голове и отнесены несколько назад. Хвост рудиментарный. Конечности довольно короткие; передние — 4-палые (пальцев было шесть)[прояснить], задние — 3-палые. Пальцы соединены небольшими плавательными перепонками и снабжены короткими сильными когтями. Капибара выглядит достаточно пушистой, ведь её тело покрыто длинными жёсткими волосами, но не имеет подшёрстка. Окрас капибары варьируется от коричнево-рыжего до сероватого. Нижняя часть тела животного капибара обычно имеет коричнево-желтоватый оттенок. Молодые особи окрашены светлее взрослых[6]. Окрас верхней стороны тела от рыжевато-бурого до сероватого, брюшной, как правило, желтовато-бурый. Молодняк окрашен светлее. У половозрелых самцов на верхней части морды расположен участок кожи с многочисленными крупными сальными железами. У самок имеется 6 пар брюшных сосков.

Череп массивный, с широкими и сильными скуловыми дугами. Зубов 20. Щёчные зубы без корней, растут в течение всей жизни животного. Резцы широкие, имеют продольную бороздку на наружной поверхности[5]. Малая и большая берцовые кости частично срастаются между собой. Ключицы нет. Хромосом в диплоидном наборе 66.

Вот как описывает капибару Джеральд Даррелл в «Трёх билетах до Эдвенчер»[7]:

Этот гигантский грызун представляет собой жирного зверька с продолговатым телом, покрытым жёсткой лохматой шерстью пёстрой коричневой расцветки. Передние лапы у капибары длиннее задних, массивный огузок не имеет хвоста, и поэтому у неё всегда такой вид, будто она вот-вот собирается сесть. У неё крупные лапы с широкими перепончатыми пальцами, а когти на передних лапах, короткие и тупые, удивительно напоминают миниатюрные копыта. Вид у неё весьма аристократический: её плоская широкая голова и тупая, почти квадратная морда имеют благодушно-покровительственное выражение, придающее ей сходство с задумчивым львом. По земле капибара передвигается характерной шаркающей походкой или скачет вразвалку галопом, в воде же плавает и ныряет с поразительной лёгкостью и проворством. Капибара — флегматичный добродушный вегетарианец, лишённый ярких индивидуальных черт, присущих некоторым его сородичам, но этот недостаток восполняется у неё спокойным и дружелюбным нравом.


Капибара встречается по берегам разнообразных водоёмов в тропических и умеренных частях Центральной и Южной Америки, восточнее Анд — от Панамы до Уругвая и северо-востока Аргентины (до 38°17′ ю. ш., провинция Буэнос-Айрес).

Отмечена в следующих странах: Аргентина, Боливия, Бразилия, Венесуэла, Гайана, Колумбия, Парагвай, Перу, Уругвай, Французская Гвиана[8]. Область распространения включает бассейны рек Ориноко, Амазонки и Ла-Платы. Основными факторами, ограничивающими распространение, являются температура воздуха и воды. Капибары встречаются в горах до высоты 1300 м над уровнем моря[5].

В 1991 году карликовую разновидность капибары — малую водосвинку (Hydrochoerus isthmius Goldman, 1912) — признали отдельным видом[9]. Она встречается от северной Панамы до Колумбии и северо-западной Венесуэлы. По размерам малая водосвинка заметно меньше обычной капибары.

Скелет особи капибары

В ископаемом виде представители семейства водосвинковых известны с верхнего миоцена, а представители подсемейства Hydrochoerinae, которому принадлежит капибара, — с верхнего плиоцена. Все виды семейства были распространены исключительно в Южной и Северной Америке[5].

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Для внесения ставок следует задействовать демосредства с индивидуального баланса автомата. Когда они закончатся, понадобится перезапустить страницу. Состояние баланса быстро восстновится до стартовых сумм и бесплатные прокрутки позволено продолжить.

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  • регулярностью построения особых значков;
  • механизмом образования удачных последовательностей;
  • подключением бонус-функций.

Также в ходе пробных туров профессиональные гймеры испытывают предусмотренную волатильность слотов и их ожидаемый возврат. Эти сведения позволяет правильно создать стратегию ставок для различных бетов и сделать вывод, которые слоты лучше всего подходят для отыгрыша бонусов.

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can alcohol cause migraines

Alcohol and Migraines: Can Drinking Trigger A Headache? NHI

can alcohol cause migraines

This buildup also leads to a throbbing head and flip-flopping stomach. Women are three times more likely to have migraine than men, and up to 75% of women find that they experience attacks around the time of their menstrual period. This is called “menstrual migraine,” occurring only during a women’s period due to the change in estrogen and progesterone levels. Sulphites could trigger headache through the release of histamine, as they cause symptoms only during a period of enhanced histamine sensitivity [51]. Alcohol contains various compounds linked to the onset of migraine.

Can Alcohol Cause a Heart Attack?

Yes, you can still enjoy alcohol if you live with migraine, but moderation and mindfulness are key. While alcohol can be a trigger for some migraine sufferers, others find that they can still drink occasionally without experiencing symptoms. The UK Chief Medical Officers’ low risk drinking guidelines are designed to help all adults keep the health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level. Drinking alcohol is a trigger for migraine in some people – one study found around a third (33%) of people who get migraines are sensitive to alcohol.4 Others react to hunger, or certain foods. Analysis of the 22 included studies revealed 5 cohort studies [36, 45, 52, 55, 58], 11 cross-sectional [26, 27, 44, 46–48, 51, 56, 57, 59, 60] and six case-controls [49, 50, 53, 54, 61, 62]. Of the cohort studies, two [36, 66] received fewer than 8 “yes” answers, therefore according to the assessment criteria from the Methods section above, these were assessed as having moderate risk of bias.

can alcohol cause migraines

More on Migraine & Headaches

  1. Red dots represent the median individual probability, and vertical lines represent the individual 95% CI.
  2. The concept of dietary migraine (migraine provoked by some foods such as cheese, chocolate, citrus fruit, alcoholic beverages) has been with us for more than 200 years, since Fothergill’s first description in 1778 [1,2].
  3. In conclusion, no significant association between alcohol consumption with migraine and tension headache was found in many studies [26, 28–30].
  4. If you notice consistent patterns, then chances are it’s the alcohol that’s causing your migraine headache.

Nausea (a feeling that you might vomit) or vomiting and sensitivity to bright light or sound are also widely reported migraine symptoms. If both stress and alcohol are migraine triggers for you, combining them won’t do you any favors. In addition to this, people are sometimes alcohol and the adolescent brain national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism niaaa more likely to drink more when they are feeling stressed and a little reckless. The migraines tend to start within three hours of consuming alcohol. Sometimes, migraines don’t plague patients until the next morning, just as their blood-alcohol content level is back to normal.

Be Aware of Liquid Medications

Feel like the initial joy of sipping red wine always ends in a migraine attack? While you might be kicking yourself for drinking that glass of pinot noir, the exact cause of red wine-induced headache and migraine is unknown. Remember, everyone’s experience with migraine and migraine triggers is different. Don’t feel embarrassed alcohol addiction and drug rehab centers in california when talking to your doctor or headache specialist about your triggers—it will help them give you a proper diagnosis and start the best treatment plan for your symptoms. For more information on the various migraine triggers and how to manage them, visit the American Migraine Foundation resource library, or contact us directly.

This simple yet effective step can help mitigate the risk of migraine attacks. If you experience migraine headaches after drinking alcohol, it may be best to avoid alcohol. Talk with a doctor about ways to identify your migraine triggers and what to do if you develop these headaches. Many studies in different countries show that alcohol is a headache trigger in high percentage of migraine subjects, both in the general population [15–17] and headache clinic population [18–22].

can alcohol cause migraines

People prone to headaches may be at a higher risk of experiencing alcohol-related headaches. Avoiding drinking is the best way to prevent an alcohol-related headache. Males should aim to drink two or fewer drinks daily, and females should aim to drink one or fewer. Many different factors can contribute to a hangover as a result of drinking. Drinks containing more alcohol and congeners may worsen the chance of developing a headache.

While the results in MO and CH are in relative agreement, those in MA and TH are discordant. However, if the role of ADs in triggering MA and TH will be confirmed, a common trigger site should be considered. In this case, a direct action at the vascular system is hardly compatible with TH or MA. More plausible easy ways to read drug test results is an action at subcortical pain modulatory circuits, which in some way stimulate the neural generator of CH (hypothalamus?) and of migraine aura (cortex?, thalamus?). This review was performed using a literature search on PubMed from 1988 (date of the first IHS classification) to December 2014.

Chemicals called congeners are also a component of alcoholic drinks. These chemicals may also trigger migraine headaches in certain people. Alcohol can trigger headaches, including migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches.

If you think you may have migraine, these answers to common questions can help you further investigate this possibility with a doctor. Keep a record of any symptoms that occur after consuming alcohol and discuss them with your doctor. Identifying your specific food and drink triggers is a key part of any migraine prevention and treatment plan. This includes being careful about the amount of alcohol you consume and paying attention to how and when your migraine symptoms flare up in relation to drinking. Headaches from alcohol withdrawal — also known as delayed alcohol-induced headache (DAIH) or hangovers — usually develop the morning after you drink alcohol, when the level of alcohol in your blood drops to almost nothing.

If you suffer from migraines, you may find that drinking alcohol can trigger an episode. Find out why alcoholic drinks can cause problems for migraine sufferers and what you can do to prevent alcohol-related migraines. A second explanation for the results presented in our meta-analysis might encompass a certain protective role of alcohol with regards to migraine. However, according to this idea, populations with higher migraine prevalence should have lower alcohol consumption. For example, due to religious requirements, people in Iran consume considerably less alcohol than Europeans [22, 84]; nevertheless, migraine prevalence in Iran is 15.1% [85] while in Europe it is 35% [86].

However, the timing can vary depending on the individual and the type of alcohol consumed. Note that the response to different alcoholic drinks can vary among individuals. Yes, certain alcoholic drinks are more likely to trigger a migraine than others. Generally, darker drinks and those with higher levels of congeners may pose a greater risk.

There’s no proof that drinking raw eggs or downing hot sauce will get rid of your morning-after migraine faster. Downing more alcohol (the “hair of the dog” theory) won’t help either. You could get a headache within 30 minutes to 3 hours of drinking. Some people only sip a glass or two of wine before their head starts to throb.

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The Ultimate Guide To Cannabis Strain Portfolio – Explore Our Strains

The Ultimate Guide To Cannabis Strain Portfolio – Explore Our Strains

Table of ContentsAll About Strongest Weed Strains: Highest Thc Strains To Cultivate …Some Ideas on Strains Archive You Should KnowNot known Details About All Flower/strains (Prescription Medical Cannabis) Examine This Report about Cannabis

The level of both chemicals in a stress of weed determines what result it has on a person. While weed originally came from these 2 strains, there are now hundreds of other hybrid stress that are a mix of the 2.

The various types of weed differ based on both the kind of weed plant they come from and likewise in the effects they have on a person or the kind of high that they give. Just recently, a third strain, Cannabis ruderalis, has actually likewise been used to make weed. It has lower levels of THC and is primarily utilized for medicinal marijuana.

Individuals who utilize marijuana will generally pick to use a kind of weed based on the impact they wish to have. While each type is understood for its various effect, one individual’s experience may differ considerably from another’s. The route of administration (i (fraude nas apostas esportivas).e. cigarette smoking or consuming) can also considerably affect the result the kind of weed will have.

Since it originates from a cold, mountainous climate, it tends to be much shorter and have the appearance of a bush. The leaves are darker, fuller and rounder than the sativa plant. The buds tend to grow in clumps. C. indica produces big amounts of THC and low levels of CBD and, for that reason, it is thought about a strong weed.

It produces more of a “body high” due to its peaceful impacts. Because of its sedative results, indica is typically used by individuals who experience sleeping disorders.

Hybrid pressures are made by cross germinating the seeds of the 2 common stress of Cannabis in an attempt to produce impacts of both. A sativa-dominant strain will be more likely to offer stimulating impacts and a head high.

C. ruderalis grows much shorter than the other two species of weed and has thin, fibrous stems with big leaves. It is also an autoflowering plant, meaning that it will flower depending upon the age of the plant instead of the light conditions. C. ruderalis has very low levels of THC compared to the other weed stress, making it hardly ever used for recreational purposes.

Some Of Cannabis Strain Library

There are specific kinds of weed strains that are more common than others and some that are coveted for their extraordinary impacts. pixbet apostas esportivas. With the ability to make hybrids that mix the results of both indica and sativa strains, there are now “designer pressures” of weed that are bred for maximum quality

Some examples consist of: Purple Urkle, Willy’s Wonder, Permafrost, Pineapple Express, Strawberry Cough and Island Sugary Food Skunk. he following are some of the most typical or desirable types of weed stress and the results they are known to have: Sour Diesel is a kind of hybrid pressure that primarily has the highly energizing effects of sativa, however likewise has a few of the physical relaxation properties of indica.

The high normally results in a head rush. It is named for the gasoline-like chemical odor that its flowers make. It tends to have a sour or skunky taste that some individuals find unpleasant.

Some individuals use it to increase their hunger when they are experiencing a decreased desire to consume. Purple Kush is a pure indica stress that has a complete and peaceful body high.

The name “Purple Kush” comes from the color of its purple leaves and the fact that one of the strains it is originated from come from the Kush area near Afghanistan. It is one of the most popular Kush strains utilized. Because of its ability to cause physical relaxation, it is frequently utilized by individuals who have chronic discomfort, depression or stress and anxiety.

10 Easy Facts About Cannabis Strains Guide Explained

People who have persistent fatigue, depression or a lack of cravings have described blue dream as having healing results that improve these conditions. Individuals have actually likewise described it as alleviating persistent pain and migraines. Not all weed is the very same. Here are some general points connected to the many various kinds of weed: There are two primary pressures of weed: indica and sativaC.

If you or an enjoyed one are having problem with a compound use disorder, The Healing Town can assist. To get more information about our extensive treatment plans, call The Healing Village to talk to a representative. Editor Gretchen Koebbe Gretchen Koebbe is a writing and reading expert based out of Detroit.

Growing this popular stress is reasonably simple due to its tough nature, needing little to no upkeep. Its to various climates make it suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. Rated as one of the best strains of weed for taste, White Widow features a complex taste profile that charms users with a sweet, tasty taste mixed with wood and pine notes.

Much like its The Hulk modify ego, you can’t tame Bruce Banner’s exceptionally powerful THC levels ranging between 27-30%. Due to this high material, it may be too extreme for new users. apostas esportivas como funciona. This strain might be sensitive to mold, requiring consistent care and a low-temperature range in between 6575 F. While its high-demanding nature may be challenging for novices, specialist growers’ efforts are generally rewarded with a

Award-winning 90% Indica-dominant Can use extreme relaxation Terrific restorative prospective Bug, mold-resistant Versatile nature You can dim the lights with Northern Lights and slip into a blissful yet unwinding high. Users can’t get enough of how it makes them. Its relaxing impacts make it one of the best weed strains for therapeutic medicinal functions.

Northern Light is called among the very best stress of weed for its easy, insect and mold-resistant nature, quickly grown both inside your home or outdoors (aev apostas esportivas). With a taste palette ranging from pine and earth to plum jam, Northern Lights provides a wonderful and rich fragrant experience. It takes about 10 to 12 weeks to grow lovely dense buds, yielding roughly 450600g/m inside your home and up to 450g per plant outdoors

Banana Kush is featured in the Leading 10 Finest Weed Pressures area at MSNL, a relied on supplier. With a performance history of satisfying over 100,000 customers, the brand regularly provides premium marijuana products with totally free shipping. Finest Indica Award High 30% THC content Easy, manageable growth Upto 650g/plant yield Short, compact stature Intense couch lock with just 1-2 hits This strain combines effective cerebral euphoria with, ideal to wind down after a long, exhausting day.

With THC levels reaching up to 30%, Godfather OG offers a famous and effective high best matched for skilled marijuana enthusiasts. The scrumptious flavor and fragrance will advise you of scrumptious aged wine, making it one of the best stress of weed.

Not known Incorrect Statements About High Yield Cannabis Strains

With THC levels ranging between 15 to 20%, Jack Herer is one of the finest weed strains for new marijuana users. Jack Herer is an alternative, growing in numerous climates however performing best inside your home, making it one the very best pressures of weed to grow within. The stress primarily has an earthy taste profile with hints of.

Article source: https://wayofleaf.com/detox/brands/xxtra-clean-complete-review