How to Look Entirely Emotionless: 11 Steps with Pictures

how to become emotionless

They still have their uses today, too, but more often than not, these instincts are out of place today. However, being able to exercise emotionlessness when you’re in a bad situation is a good idea. Bad emotions, like anger, sadness, and discomfort, have their purposes, after all. For example, the sensation of pain is our body telling is that something is wrong; something’s harming us, and we should try to get away from it as soon as possible.


It can be a big advantage to be able to appear completely emotionless. Controlling your emotions can help you gain control of negotiations, avoid confrontations and even seem cool. While it may seem like it is easy enough to hide your feelings, it takes a lot of practice to look entirely emotionless. You have to learn to fully control your expressions, your movements, and your words all at the same time. Bringing your logical brain forward in these situations and in your life, in general, is a great way to keep troublesome emotions at bay.

Exhale your emotions away from your body.

how to become emotionless

The trick is to use your logical brain to know when to show compassion and when to keep it to yourself. Like emotionlessness, cold-heartedness has different degrees of usefulness, depending on the person. For example, a worker who rescues animals would likely benefit from a significant amount of compassion.

ACT uses a mindfulness-based approach to help you recognize ways in which you attempt to suppress or control emotional experiences. The goal of ACT is to help you experience your inner feelings while focusing attention on living a meaningful life. Once you find materiality principle in accounting: definition a therapist or psychologist to work with, the first step in the treatment process is unpacking the cause of your emotional numbing. A therapist can help you determine the underlying cause of the trauma, and come up with better ways to cope with overtaxing experiences and emotions.

While a friend might be able to help you learn how to be more emotionless in a given situation, you should always be seeking how to learn to do this on your own, too. If you’re not, the day will come when you’ll need advice, but you won’t have any friends available to give it. The best way to work towards being the right amount of emotionless is to work on thinking, not feeling. In an intense situation, we tend to fall back on our instincts to feel rather than our brains to think. Back when humans lived in the wild and had to fight for their lives, these instinctual feelings were helpful and necessary.

The next best thing is to implement everything you’ve learned in this article by yourself. While you may try to work through this yourself, it may be a bigger issue than self-help can address. And if it is affecting your mental well-being, relationships, or life in general, it is a significant thing that needs to be resolved. Additionally, you may discover that you feel generally “grayed-out” – things you used to enjoy now don’t bring you any happiness or excitement, even if you want them to. You don’t look forward to anything, and feel general apathy about the goings-on in other people’s lives. The sensation of water pouring down over your body can help to release the stored-up emotion you’ve been carrying with you.

Instead of fighting what’s coming, it might be best to accept whatever punishment might come your way. Let’s take school, for example, since we’ve all experienced it to some extent. Imagine that you have a difficult exam or project coming up in one of your classes – one that’s particularly tough for you. You’d probably worry about it, or even dread it, as it comes closer. Some people say that a great way to remove yourself from a situation is to imagine it as if it were happening to someone else. Try to look at it as if it were a movie, TV show, or even a story being told.

Paying Attention to Your Emotions

This can be in the form of a stone pendant, a wooden mala bracelet, or even a semiprecious palmstone that they keep in a pocket. If you can, practice them in a controlled environment so you have the techniques sorted for when you need them. That way, you can use them as needed to help you through whatever difficulties life may throw at you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Whatever’s going on around you, let it fly around without disturbing you. Your response to this idea might be that it sounds easy in theory but not necessarily in practice. That’s mostly because techniques on how to do this aren’t taught in Western schools. They (and the other people around you) will take their cues from how you’re carrying yourself. The same goes for people who might be trying to catch you off guard, encourage you to make a mistake, or manipulate you somehow.

  1. When emotions are running high, we often feel as though we’re partly outside of our own skins.
  2. Essentially, this is what cultivating emotionlessness should be like.
  3. In stressful or difficult circumstances, people’s emotions are often mirrored by their facial expressions.
  4. You’ve already taken the first step just by searching for and reading this article.

Keep a journal.

By studying for the test or working on the project, you’re making sure you do better on it than you otherwise would. This is already far more productive than just worrying, and it’ll help some of your fears disappear along the way, too. There are many more productive ways to use your time and your brainpower instead of worrying about things that might or might not happen.

It’s possible that you’ll discover that you don’t feel the same way about people anymore. Instead, there’s more of a beige numbness where your feelings used to be. Additionally, we have emotions for a wide number of reasons – not just interpersonal relationships. Some people think it’s easier to shut down emotions permanently, especially if they have to deal with stress and heartbreak on a constant basis. After all, it’s human nature to want to avoid experiencing pain, suffering, anxiety, and the like. In fact, just about every living being wants to avoid pain, so it’s completely understandable that the idea of being emotionless might look pretty appealing.

Whatever situation you’re dealing with will pass, and you will inevitably end up in a different location. You won’t be in that accident area, courtroom, or confrontational situation forever. You’ll leave the area or make your way to a place where you’re more comfortable and less likely to have to deal with additional stressors.

Keeping a journal is a great way to release your thoughts and feelings without venting them to someone else. After all, if we vent our worries to others too often, it can affect them, also. Venting to others to the point where it becomes inconvenient or affects their quality of life is no good. Alternatively, it can help some people to talk to others about the thing that’s bothering them instead.

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