Animal assisted intervention: A systematic review of benefits and risks PMC

what is animal assisted therapy

Earlier studies relied on general observations and basic measures of change using interviews. Initially, researchers had to develop their own survey instruments; thus, there was no validation, and comparing studies was not easy [26,27,28]. More recently, qualitative information, like questionnaires, has been combined with quantitative analysis of data, often referred to as a mixed methods approach [29]. Over the years, there has been much literature in this area of study [31,32,33,34,35,36]. Now, there is an ever-growing interest to have animals facilitate activity, especially walking [37,38,39].

Animal assisted intervention: A systematic review of benefits and risks

In essence, children that are comfortable with the dogs and have positive interactions, appear to have a decrease in their anxiety in reading to another. A major gap evident in the current body of literature is the lack of knowledge surrounding the bi-directional influence of one family member’s outcome on another family member’s outcome. Future studies should, for example, consider associations between family member outcomes and plan for analyses capable of identifying key predictors at how long does it take to detox from alcohol timeline and more both the individual and the dyad level. Additionally, instead of being an add-on to studies focused primarily on veterans, it is important for studies to be designed and powered to specifically study family-focused interventions, considering the military family as a whole unit. Each family is unique, and the specifics of military culture and service may vary. However, overall, military families experience unique stressors and opportunities for growth compared to non-military families.

  1. You might also reflect on your self-care routines and identify how your current habits are informed and influenced by the care you received when you were small.
  2. The Corsons coined the term “social lubricant” as one of the major outcomes occurring as a result of interactions between the client and a therapy animal.
  3. Two studies investigated the prevalence of infective agents in pet-visitation animals in hospitals or in long-term care facilities [17], [44].
  4. Although their findings were not intentional, the outcomes of their revolutionary animal-assisted therapy work impacted our future understanding of HAI.

For more information on certifying an animal with Therapet, please review our Certification Information.

Eight papers referred to pet therapy in pediatric hospitals (See Table 2) [8], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28]. Two were descriptive studies [24], [25] and six trials [8], [22], [23], [26], [27], [28]. Two studies had a special focus on oncological patients [24], [25], while the others referred to general pediatric inpatients. All papers used dogs, ranging from simple pet visitation [22], [28] to structured AAT [23], [26], [27]. Characteristics of the retrieved studies regarding animal interventions for psychiatric inpatients.

What to know about animal therapy

If a parent has been injured in combat, children may also have increased psychological concerns, with a higher incidence of mental health visits, injuries, and maltreatment (22, 23). A significant influence of animal welfare in AAI that is not typically considered is the effect of the handler does drinking alcohol cause cancer on the animal. The intimate dyadic relationship of the animal-handler team corroborates how the handler can impact the health and wellbeing of the animal. The handler is the gatekeeper of welfare and requires a minimum standard of education and skill to be safe and effective during AAI.

what is animal assisted therapy

3. Elderly patients

what is animal assisted therapy

The research suggests that the dogs help facilitate social interaction and create positive emotional responses. Animal therapy or pet therapy refers to the use of animals as a way to help people cope with and recover from some physical and mental health conditions. Most therapy animals are dogs, but cats, horses, rabbits, and any species can be used as long as they are well-trained and compatible with the services they provide to the people needing help. This bias toward the publication of only positive results also slants the AAT efficacy literature.

These will include checking immunization records and performing physical exams to ensure that the animal is generally healthy and free of disease. They will also have to undergo temperament testing to make sure that they behave properly with both the handler and other people. A number of organizations train handlers and connect how long does a hangover last them to healthcare providers. Before getting approval for therapy use, both the animal and the handler will have to go through various certifications with these groups and organizations. The process of animal therapy itself typically involves the animal’s handler, who is often the owner, bringing the animal to each session.

The most commonly used measure was the PTSD Checklist which was incorporated in four articles (44%) (35, 38–40). When someone is dealing with a serious medical or mental health condition, they face a significant amount of stress. Animals bring comfort to people, and spending time with animals can make healing faster and easier. If you are an animal lover, you can bring joy to people facing their most challenging situations by becoming a therapy animal trainer or handler.

Data was heterogeneous in terms of age of patient, health issue, animals used and the length of interactions, which made comparison problematic. The animal-intervention programs suggested various benefits such as reducing stress, pain and anxiety. The major risks outlined were allergies, infections and animal-related accidents. Zoonosis was a possible risk, as well as common infections as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. The implementation of simple hygiene protocols was effective at minimizing risk. Within a close intimate relationship, the experiences of one person can also impact the other person.

The therapeutic use of animals has been debated for decades, and its use explored in a variety of settings and populations. Evidence based knowledge is essential to implement effective strategies in hospital. This review focused on the use of animal programs for hospitalized patients, and considered the potential risks. Despite these complications, investigative experiments have been completed that support AAP as a beneficial intervention. One study by German psychiatrist Anke Prothmann introduced therapy dogs to psychiatrically hospitalized children in free play.

Recent literature has identified a great need to recognize the experience of military-connected children and provide added support to promote their wellbeing (21). While experiences of military-connected children vary, they may include both positive and negative aspects. For example, some military-connected children experience challenges with social, behavioral, and mental health (3).

Patients can request a therapy dog visit when they need a little stress reduction during their hospital stay. As more and more medical providers recognize the animal assisted therapy benefits listed above, more facilities are implementing programs. Animal-assisted therapy has proven benefits based on modern scientific research.

what is animal assisted therapy

A professional mental health care provider who is familiar with animal-assisted therapies can help you get certification for your own pet or locate a program or animal that is right for you. Therapists may also partner with an animal-therapy program, such as Pet Partners, to provide individuals or groups with trained therapy animals. Even if dogs are the most studied animals [8], [10], [11], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], also other species are considered as cats [6], [44], fishes [14], cage birds [7] and horses [19].

Furthermore, the risks of implementing animal therapeutic interventions especially in hospitals are not negligible, and these hazards must be considered [16], [17]. A trained handler, often the pet’s owner, will take the animal to every meeting and work under your doctor or therapist’s direction to help you reach your goals. Discussion of proper pet handling is needed to ensure the safety of both the person receiving treatment and the pet. How clients interact with the animals gives therapists a sense of how they form relationships and attachments.

People who do not respond well to animal therapy or are not interested in trying it may ask about other options. It is not a basis for the treatment of any condition and should only enhance or complement other treatment. It is not a replacement for other forms of therapy, such as psychotherapy or physical therapy. Working with an animal in these cases may motivate the person to continue therapy, boost their mood, and reduce signs of pain.

This suggests that AAT will work for all clients but may be especially helpful for those who have disorganized attachment styles, since they often have lower levels of oxytocin in their systems (Compitus, 2021a). The increase in oxytocin that happens during AAT suggests that there is a biological justification for AAT as a treatment model (Compitus, 2021b). In fact, oxytocin (the “love hormone”) plays a large part in our connection to animals. Therapists should keep progress notes and periodically evaluate the treatment plan.

It can also give therapists useful insights into their clients’ feelings and behaviour, seeing how they form relationships or respond to different situations. Animal-assisted therapy involves interacting with animals as well as a therapist to help you explore your feelings and experiences in a different way. Psychodynamic therapy is a form of talk therapy used to treat a range of mental health disorders.

The certification course involves an understanding of both human and animal body language and best practices in AAT. With evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches, the book also brings forth the many challenges that clinicians face with AAT. The book is a good resource for interested readers and new and established clinicians looking to improve and better understand the human–animal bond. This book is a must for anyone who wants to know more about the process behind AAT and the human–animal bond. This book by Dr. Chandler explains human–animal relational theory and how different treatment models can be integrated with AAT. The tactile stimulation involved in petting an animal reflects a child’s need for a transitional object, such as a baby blanket, that provides a tactile sense of security (Winnicott, 1953).

The presence of a therapy animal itself may be a behavioral reward for some clients and encourage them to attend sessions regularly (Compitus, 2021b). Philosopher John Locke first wrote about the therapeutic effects of spending time with animals in the 1600s, but it is still a burgeoning field (Fine, 2019a). Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is the umbrella term for any formal therapeutic activity that involves animals working in tandem with a licensed professional.

The second review focused specifically on the healthcare environment of Europe and North America [39]. The zoonosis can be a risk especially for very young, old or immunosuppressed patients [37], [39]. However, the application of hygiene protocols consented an effective risk minimization [39].

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