Modern Web App Architecture: Types, Tips and Diagrams

web application architecture best practices

It also uses AJAX or web sockets to make asynchronous/synchronous requests to the web server, eliminating the need to refresh the pages. This offers a more robust experience for users thanks to limited page loads and interruptions. As technology evolves at a rapid pace, so does web application architecture. One popular trend you’ll see is the use of service-oriented architecture. With this architecture type, most of the code for the application remains as services, and each service has its own HTTP API. This allows one segment of code to make requests to another segment of code that may be running on a different server.

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Some of the major players that are currently dominating the field of serverless computing are; AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions. In 2024, we expect that there will be even more extensive use of serverless solutions with certain directions concerning microservices and events. As such, more cycles of development will be completed much faster than before and resources will be utilized optimally. Developers assemble applications from microservices, enabling rapid software development. For example, the database layer should never depend on functions at the presentation layer to avoid creating unbreakable dependencies.

Step 6. Develop a scalability and performance strategy

Applications are developed as a set of functions, which are later connected to form a single application. In SSR applications, the server plays a proactive role – it compiles the necessary data and serves up a fresh HTML document upon receiving each user request. This dynamic process enables the browser to start painting the User Interface (UI) without the need to wait for the entire JavaScript to load.

web application architecture best practices

Build your web architecture with Infrastructure as Code Tools

  1. To assist you with such a challenging task, we prepared an article describing SPAs and MPAs in…
  2. An efficient, quality-induced web architecture has become the de-facto of a good product and is indeed instrumental for data and information flow to achieve desired business goals.
  3. The client layer can be a thin client, which means hardware costs are reduced.
  4. You can also take on several development tasks at the same time by dividing the structure into several small modules, eventually reducing the development time as well.

This term is used by software developers to describe the high-level structure of a digital product, including data storage and server operation specifics. A web application architecture diagram includes several key elements that represent the major components and interactions within a web application. Naturally, diagrams for software architectures for different purposes will look different, but here are the main components that are typical for most applications.

web application architecture best practices

Monolith is fast to design, develop, test, and deploy and usually (but not always) is a good fit for small projects and MVPs. However, keep in mind that monolithic applications can be harder to scale and modernize in the long term. A single-page application is a good choice for user-centered interactive applications with rapidly updating content. Often, the quality of user experience in such applications directly impacts conversions and customer loyalty.

API endpoints are used to expose backend services to the frontend application. These help to facilitate communication between the client and the server, and sometimes even between multiple servers as well. DNS is responsible for controlling how your app is exposed to the web. DNS records are used by HTTP clients, which could be a browser as well, to find and send requests to your app’s components.

The entire infrastructure is entrusted to third-party providers, marking a paradigm shift in how we approach web application development. Microservice and serverless computing are both critical to web application development. However, the difference is that microservice architecture offers a long-term solution with high scalability, while serverless computing offers code efficiency. Since it’s loosely coupled, microservice architecture provides the flexibility to update/modify and scale independent services. Development becomes easy and efficient, and continuous delivery is enabled.

Microservices involve breaking down a web application into more compact, independent services that communicate with each other through APIs. This approach allows flexibility and agility, as each service can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Serverless architecture involves running code without the need for a dedicated server. This approach allows for cost savings and scalability benefits, as resources are allocated as needed.

And layers of web app architecture are about the vertical structure of your future system. It is the layer diagram that describes how many of them you need and how they are interconnected and gives you an idea of ​​the complexity of your product. Website development architecture is the result of the first phase of your product development. The documents that describe such an architecture detail things like the high-level components of your system, as well as the connections between them. In addition, when working on high-level web architecture, the client’s business tasks and some marketing factors are taken into account.

This makes a single-page web app fast, lightweight, and instantly responsive, among the other single-page application benefits. The tech stack for web app backend development may consist of a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and tools. The choice of tech stack will depend on many different factors, including the type and functionality of the web application. In simple terms, the serverless model is one of the web application design patterns that help you to optimize your budget by outsourcing certain operations using cloud-based services. If you are planning to launch a large and complex online product, this web application architecture design is likely to suit your needs. The key advantage of it is that it enables you to easily change the scale of your product, as well as add things to its functionality.

Microservices architecture is suitable for large and complex projects, as each service can be modified without having a detrimental effect on any other existing blocks or modules. For instance, if you have to update payment logic, there’s no need to shut down the whole website during that time. However, if you need a fast solution like a prototype, small application, or an app with a tight deadline, a microservices architecture may not be the right solution for you. An API Gateway, such as AWS API Gateway, acts as a central entry point for managing and routing API requests. It offers features like authentication, rate limiting, and request/response transformation. API Gateways play a crucial role in exposing and managing the endpoints of microservices and serverless functions.

The event-driven approach that processes thousands of requests in a single thread offers greater performance, speed and cost-effectiveness. A solid, fast-working, scalable, and safe web application architecture is a must for every web platform-based digital product, especially when it comes to business. For this reason, the architecture must always be developed and implemented by software engineering experts with experience in creating similar solutions for your specific industry. Three of the most demanded characteristics of web applications nowadays are improved scalability, reliability, and security. Business needs to be sure that custom software is reliable and won’t fail under load or malicious actions.

This one has two components in it, which are a job queue and servers that process those jobs. A job that has to be fulfilled goes in the queue and will be operated according to the schedule. In this regard, the proper attention to the foundational design of a web app contributes to maintaining the required robustness, responsiveness, and security of this software. In a web app, this is what solid web app architecture is responsible for.

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